a new Mats book: Burmese Daze

$30.00 - $50.00

Burmese Daze: Asiaddict part 2

The Follow up to the original Asiaddict. This time we follow the author on a journey in Myanmar, with the help of Illustrations and Photographs accompanied with text.

The title Burmese Daze is a tip of the hat to George Orwell's novel "Burmese Days" set during the country's colonial rule under the British.

From simple travel tips to Cultural practices and Bizarre rituals the author shares his humorous observations gleaned from several trips to Myanmar.

Come along on a Nerve rattling Train ride over an aging steel Viaduct. Encounter Zombie Monks in the Yangon Hospital. Enter a Gigantic reclining Buddha filled with dioramas depicting Buddhist Hell . Experience the sprawling plain of Bagan filled with 4000 Pagodas. Pretend you're Indiana Jones as you explore an ancient temple filled with headless Buddhas protected by Bats. Duck Giant exploding Hot Air Balloons. Take a slow Ride on the mythical Irrawaddy River. Become prisoners of the Buddha after climbing the 33 stairs up a High-rise effigy of the enlightened one! Run from blood thirsty Fascist Monks. Lavishly Illustrated in the inimitable style of the Author, hand drawn maps help you locate sights not to be missed. The book is filled with essential information to help You plan your next trip to Burma. But until then, travel vicariously through the pages of Burmese Daze: Asiaddict part 2 . Bon Voyage.

100 Pages. Full Color . Trade Paperback . Free sticker Inside. SIGNED!

"If there's one good thing about not having the money to travel, it's that it gives you more free time to read travelogues like this one." - Optical Sloth